Fuel Savings


An oil additive that is a conditioner for the engine. It generates higher engine efficiency, lower engine wear, higher engine durability, less engine noise and limited emission of undesirable gasses. The product is based upon a SAE 30 complex ester and reduces friction at room temperature with 5% and at 150 oC with 35%, reducing fuel consumption.


Olein can be applied in all engine types.

Mode of Action

Olein has a catalytic effect on the ignition process in the engine. It reduces the blow-by up to 90% and the oil consumption up to 80%.

Dosage and Application

Olein can be mixed with engine and transmission oils and has no negative effect on the seals.


  • Increasing the engine efficiency, reducing fuel consumption up to 1,5%
  • Reduces strain on engine, increasing life-time
  • Reduces noise and harmful emissions
  • Improves life-time of oil and reduces consumption up to 80%
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